Custom Wedding Bouquet Jewelry will be restocked on February 1st at 5pm EST!
Custom Wedding Bouquet Jewelry will be restocked on February 1st at 5pm EST!
If you are a clay maker with the desire to grow in your floral skills and techniques, I am so excited to be able to offer video tutorial guides showing you exactly how I make all of my florals, greenery, and wedding bouquets. Learn how to make roses, sunflowers, greenery, and more, and put it all together as a bouquet!
If you have a small business, I also offer video content taking you through some essentials that I have learned through the years of growth I have experienced with my own business. This includes lots of social media tips, website advice, and more.
Here is the link to my Retrieve storefront where you can get more information on these video tutorial guides and purchase access to them!